Saturday, February 8, 2014

6: "Noah Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House

Reading Assignment for Sunday, February 9, 2014

Class Member Study: Lesson 6

Genesis 6

Genesis 7

Genesis 8

Genesis 9

Moses 7

Moses 8

Excellent Ensign Article about The Flood and the Tower of Babel: The Flood and the Tower of Babel

The article is written by Donald W. Parry a professor of Hebrew at BYU and member of the international team of translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls


In these eleven chapters of Genesis, which cover the lives of the ancient patriarchs, almost one-third of the total history of mankind is summarized in a brief manner.

Obviously, such a limited treatment must omit many details that would be of great benefit to us.

When Moses wrote this history, however, he shared with us one of the most remarkable contrasts in the history of the world.

From the time of the Fall the people of the world began moving in two opposite directions. 

One group followed the teachings of Adam and Eve and continually strived for increasing righteousness and perfection.

The other group yielded to the deceitful enticings of Satan and his servants and moved deeper and deeper into depravity and wickedness. Both these divergent paths were followed to their ultimate ends. 

Under Enoch’s direction, a whole society became so perfect that God took it to Himself, and for the next seven hundred years those who qualified themselves were likewise translated into that remarkable city of Enoch (see Reading 4-14).

The other group moved downward as surely as Enoch’s city moved upward.

Finally they reached such depths of wickedness that it was a blessing for them to be destroyed .

Why is this pattern of significance to you?

Because we are in a period of history when the same dramatic contrast and division is taking place.

Jesus taught that the situation in the days of Noah was going to be repeated once more in history. 

When is that repetition to take place, and what are the implications of that repetition? How does Nephi’s vision relate to this teaching? 


Bruce R. McConkie notes:

“During the first 2200 or so years of the earth’s history—that is, from the fall of Adam to the ministry of Melchizedek—it was a not uncommon occurrence for faithful members of the Church to be translated and taken into the heavenly realms without tasting death. 

Since that time there have been occasional special instances of translation, instances in which a special work of the ministry required it. 

“… Methuselah, the son of Enoch, was not translated [with Enoch’s city], ‘that the covenants of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to Enoch; for he truly covenanted with Enoch that Noah should be of the fruit of his loins.’ (Moses 8:2.) 

But during the nearly 700 years from the translation of Enoch to the flood of Noah, it would appear that nearly all of the faithful members of the Church were translated, for ‘the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion.’ (Moses 7:27.)” (McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 804.) 



The Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith many things in relation to the ancient prophets and the keys which they held.

In a discourse on the Priesthood July 2, 1839, the Prophet made known what the Lord had revealed to him in relation to the missions of the ancient prophets and seers. In the course of his remarks he said this

“‘… Noah, who is Gabriel; he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office, and was the father of all living in his day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven. … ’ [Smith, Teachings, pp. 157–58.]

Joseph Fielding Smith said:

“Luke reveals the coming of the angel Gabriel to Zacharias to inform him that his wife would bear a son. He also appeared to Mary and announced the birth of our Lord and Savior.

“Gabriel then is Noah according to this revelation.” (Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 3:138–41.)

Mark E. Petersen taught:

“Noah, who built the ark, was one of God’s greatest servants, chosen before he was born as were others of the prophets. He was no eccentric, as many have supposed. Neither was he a mythical figure created only in legend. Noah was real. …

“Let no one downgrade the life and mission of this great prophet. Noah was so near perfect in his day that he literally walked and talked with God. …

“Few men in any age were as great as Noah. In many respects he was like Adam, the first man. Both had served as ministering angels in the presence of God even after their mortal experience.

Adam was Michael, the archangel, but Noah was Gabriel, one of those nearest to God.

Of all the hosts of heaven, he was chosen to open the Christian era by announcing to Mary that she would become the mother of the Savior, Jesus Christ. He even designated the name by which the Redeemer should be known here on earth, saying He would be the Son of God. …

“… The Lord decreed that [the earth would be cleansed] by water, a worldwide deluge. Therefore, from among his premortal spirit children, God chose another great individual—His third in line, Gabriel—to resume the propagation of mankind following the flood.” (Mark E. Petersen, Noah and the Flood [1982], 1–4.)

The Joseph Smith Translation indicates, not that Nimrod was “a mighty hunter before the Lord” (Genesis 10:9), but that he was “a mighty hunter in the land(JST, Genesis 10:5).


Every time we hear foreign tongues (including English), we can be reminded that at one time “the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech” (Gen. 11:1). The hundreds of languages on the earth today stand as a witness that there existed long ago a tower of Babel in the land of Shinar.Yet in spite of the confusion of tongues so long ago, the gospel of Jesus Christ is reversing the effects of Babel. 

In the context of a temple dedication, Elder Spencer W. Kimball taught:

“someone said yesterday, there never should have been a Babel. There having been a Babel, it is in reverse now. The confusion of Babel is being overcome. The Finns and the Dutch and the British, the Germans and the French and the Hollanders, the Scandinavians, Italians, Austrians all meeting under one roof! All of them heard the voice of the prophet of the Lord. Everyone of them heard his message in his own tongue. Everyone of them heard the ordinances of the gospel, the ordinances of the temple, in
his own tongue. The confusion of Babel is in reverse.” 12
