Sunday, May 12, 2013

17: The Law of Tithing and The Law of the Fast

Reading Assignment for Sunday, May 12, 2013

Class Member Study Guide: Lesson 17

Doctrine and Covenants 59:13-14, 21

Doctrine and Covenants 119

Doctrine and Covenants 120

Isaiah 58:6-12

Malachi 3:8-12

3 Nephi 24: 8-12

Mathew 6:16-18

3 Nephi 13:16-18

Scripture Chain Fasting: Tithing

Genesis 14: 18-20

Leviticus 27:30

Malachi 3:8-12

Doctrine & Covenants 64:23

Doctrine & Covenants 119

Scripture Chain: Fasting

Isaiah 58: 5-11

Doctrine and Covenants 59: 13-16 

Historical Background Section 59

Additional Background in Joseph Smith Papers

Polly Knight, mother of Newel Knight, was a member of the Colesville Branch and was determined to go to the land of Zion with other members of the branch.

“Polly Knight’s health had been failing for some time, according to a statement made by her son, Newel. She was very ill during her journey from Kirtland to Missouri. ‘Yet,’ says her son, ‘she would not consent to stop traveling; her only, or her greatest desire was to set her feet upon the land of Zion, and to have her body interred in that land. I went on shore and bought lumber to make a coffin in case she should die before we arrived at our place of destination—so fast did she fail. But the Lord gave her the desire of her heart, and she lived to stand upon that land.’ (Scraps of Biography, p. 70.)” (In History of the Church, 1:199n.)

The Prophet Joseph Smith recorded: “On the 7th, I attended the funeral of Sister Polly Knight, the wife of Joseph Knight, Sen. This was the first death in the Church in this land, and I can say, a worthy member sleeps in Jesus till the resurrection.

“I also received the following: [D&C 59].” (History of the Church, 1:199.)

Background to Section 119

Additional Background in Joseph Smith Paper

The Prophet Joseph Smith received the revelation on tithing on 8 July 1838 at Far West, Missouri. The revelation came in response to the following question: “O Lord! Show unto thy servant how much thou requirest of the properties of thy people for a tithing.” (History of the Church, 3:44.)

President Joseph Fielding Smith explained: “The Lord had given to the Church the law of consecration and had called upon the members, principally the official members, to enter into a covenant that could not be broken and to be everlasting in which they were to consecrate their properties and receive stewardships, for this is the law of the celestial kingdom. Many of those who entered into this solemn covenant broke it and by so doing brought upon their heads, and the heads of their brethren and sisters, dire punishment and persecution. This celestial law of necessity was thereupon withdrawn for the time, or until the time of the redemption of Zion. While suffering intensely because of their debts and lack of means to meet their obligations Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, November 29, 1834, in solemn prayer promised the Lord that they would give one tenth of all that the Lord should give unto them, as an offering to be bestowed upon the poor; they also prayed that their children, and the children’s children after them should obey this law. (D.H.C., 2:174–5.) Now, however, it became necessary for the law to be given to the whole Church so the Prophet prayed for instruction. The answer they received [came] in the revelation [D&C 119].” (Church History and Modern Revelation, 2:90–91.)

Although tithing had been mentioned in earlier revelations, this revelation established a new and exacting law to replace the law of consecration, which had been revoked by the Lord. “The law of tithing, as understood today, had not been given to the Church previous to this revelation. The term ‘tithing’ in the prayer … and in previous revelations (64:23; 85:3; 97:11), had meant to them not just one-tenth, but all ‘free-will offerings,’ or ‘contributions’ to the Church funds.” (Headnote to D&C)

Background to Section 120 

Additional Background in Joseph Smith Papers

When the Lord established the law of tithing in this dispensation (see D&C 119), he explained whose responsibility it was to handle the tithes of the Church. On 8 July 1838 the Prophet Joseph Smith received the revelation “making known the disposition of the properties tithed as named in the preceding revelation” (History of the Church, 3:44).

Thus the stage was set for the frightful conflict and terrible loss of life and property that followed. The Saints would have to pass through still more of the “refiner’s fire” before they could find peace.

Time Line

Significant Event
Summer 1836Saints began settling Far West
26 Dec. 1836Caldwell County was created
Nov. 1837Joseph Smith briefly visited Far West
14 Mar. 1838Prophet arrived to settle in Far West
May 1838Adam-ondi-Ahman was founded
June 1838Town of DeWitt was settled
19 June 1838Sidney Rigdon gave his “Salt Sermon”
4 July 1838Sidney Rigdon gave his Independence Day speech
8 July 1838Four new Apostles were called, and the law of tithing was revealed